Every spring, Savannah residents look forward to warmer weather. When people come out to play, mosquitoes are ready to ruin the fun. During April and May, I receive many calls from customers asking what they can do to keep mosquitoes off their properties and away from their families. In most cases, a strong defense is the best way to minimize infestations. There’s always a chance that pests will arrive from other areas, but you can make your yard less hospitable to adult mosquitoes as well as the eggs and larvae.
Warning Signs of Mosquito Infestations
Mosquito populations ramp up in May and hit their full stride in June when nighttime temperatures stay above 60 degrees and daytime highs exceed 80 degrees. High humidity, increasing rainfall and warmer temperatures all contribute to surging mosquito infestations in the spring and summer.
Depending on the species, adults may awaken from hibernation, or eggs that were deposited the previous fall will hatch. Antifreeze compounds allow some mosquitoes to survive the winter chill. Dormant eggs can withstand frigid temperatures and prolonged droughts. Once the weather warms up and there’s enough moisture, they spring to life.
Mosquito Breeding Grounds
Preferred habitats vary depending on the species. There are also substantial differences in their behavior. For example, Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, lives near people. It deposits eggs in man-made containers, and it seldom travels more than 300 feet from its home, which may also be your house. Other mosquitoes will fly several miles to find food and mates.
The one thing that all mosquitoes have in common is that their eggs, larvae and pupae need moisture to hatch and molt. When conditions are right, mosquitoes can reach adulthood in just 12 days. Most female mosquitoes lay several hundred eggs at once, so the populations swell quickly.
Mosquito Control Services in Savannah, GA
Because immature mosquitoes need moisture, removing water sources is crucial for nipping the problem in the bud. Gutters, air conditioners, birdbaths, toys, flowerpots, rotten tree limbs and areas with poor drainage all support juvenile mosquitoes. Eliminating these water sources is a herculean challenge, so it’s generally more practical to treat trouble spots with bacterial larvicides. Sprays control adult mosquitoes that are already active on your property. This is the same treatment that I use at my own home. It’s also helped my neighbors, family, friends and customers get relief.
If you’re concerned about mosquitoes or other pests that are active in Savannah, call Ideal Pest Control. I’ll be glad to discuss your concerns, assess your property and help you solve the problem.