Fleas are the unfortunate result of being a good pet owner and letting your pets romp around outside. Don’t worry, we shall walk you through the steps to be flea-free.
Make Sure It’s Fleas
Fleas on a pet look like dark sesame seeds moving through the fur. They can also jump long distances for how small they are and move through pet fur surprisingly fast. Lastly, do not confuse them with ticks, which are also small but will grow to the size of small grapes (fleas do not) when full of blood.
Treat Fleas on Your Pet
Deal with the immediate problem first; get those fleas off your pet. Use flea shampoo to kill and wash the fleas on your animal’s body off. Ask your veterinarian if you are unsure which shampoo to choose.
Treating the fleas on your pet is the easy part.
Treat Fleas in Your Home
Fleas could still be infecting your home; they jump incredibly far for their size and can lay dozens of eggs a day. Wash all bedding and clothes (yours and your pets’) with the hottest water setting allowable with detergent to eradicate fleas in all life stages (egg to adult). Vacuum the area, and don’t forget the drapes.
Fumigate your home to ensure that you get all of the fleas, their eggs, larvae and pupae. There are fumigation bombs you can buy at your local store; follow the instructions properly. Calling an exterminator is your best chance at success and saves you time and many itchy nights should OTC fumigation fail.
Flea Prevention
Prevention is the best option to combat future infestations. Flea collars and powders have limited success; flea drops like FRONTLINE offer excellent protection and last a long time (usually ~30 days). Again, ask your veterinarian before using a product if you are unsure.
Address your outdoor area and trim back any dense vegetation to discourage wild animals or street animals from staying too long. Do a flea check around your home after visitors bring their pets around.
Let us help you with pest prevention. Contact us at Ideal Pest Control, and one of our professionals will give you a free estimate. We do our job so that you, your family and your pets can enjoy yourselves without so much worrying.